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YACON  (Regula el Azúcar, Diabetes, Reduce Colesterol)

Product description

Natural Properties:
- Regulates the Sugar Content in the
- Reduces the level of cholesterol in the
- Provides relief to Gastrointestinal Problems - Stress
- Stimulates the Immune System

Presentation: Bottles of 90 capsules (500 mg). 100% Pure and

Description of the Plant:
Yacon (Smallanthus Sonchifolius) is a soft-stemmed herbaceous perennial plant, 5 to 3 metres from Presents terminal flowers in yellow head
The root system is composed of reserve roots, large tuberous, elongated and fleshy in number 4 to 20, sweet pulp, which can reach up to a size of 25 in length by 10 in diameter, and an extensive system of thin roots

Há - El Yacón is a domesticated plant in the Andes, located in the humid mountains of Peru and


Country of origin: