Product description
The use of closed footwear added to the daily activity makes bacteria, fungi, microorganisms ... have the ideal environment for their growth. This is why professionals advise a daily hygiene of footwear, insole and foot.Sinodor cleaner insoles is effective both in the cleaning and disinfection of footwear and insoles, obtaining effective results by the action of its main components:Alcohol: Ethyl alcohol is an excellent antiseptic. To get a good disinfectant action we have to leave it on for about 2 minutes. Its bactericidal power is very high, it eliminates 90% of bacteria.Betaine : betaine really beneficial for the realization of natural shampoos since it offers a great cleaning and reduces irritation enormously, it is the basis of the soap, we add it to "help" clean the insoles eliminating all the dirt and with it the germs, bacteria ... which in turn general the bad smell.Chlorhexidine digluconate: Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic substance with bactericidal and fungicidal action. Chlorhexidine, bisbiguanide antiseptic that has antibacterial properties to control bacteria being also effective in the control of fungi.Lavender officinalis: It has very good antiseptic and bactericidal properties for washes greatly helps the elimination of bacteria.Ideal its application in the daily hygiene routine.