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Product description

BACTEROL is a multifunctional product in which through a careful selection of components an energetic combined action is obtained in three directions:

  • Active cleaning of floors, pavements and all kinds of hard surfaces.
  • Remover of calcareous remains and rust stains.
  • Broad spectrum germicide that combines its bactericidal, bacteriostatic and fungicidal effects, ensuring a perfect disinfection of the treated surfaces

 APPLICATIONS AND DOSAGE:Of general application in all those facilities that require in addition to an energetic cleaning a deep asepsis and disinfection. Especially suitable in public premises for the cleaning of floors, showers, changing rooms, toilets ... As well as in swimming pools, sports clubs, schools, hospitals, hotels, meat and food industries, etc.The average dosage depends on the degree of dirt, danger of contamination and form of use, however to ensure a germicidal effect the following can be considered for guidance:-Initial treatment of very dirty areas: Dilution 1:10 repeating the operation twice in the interval of a few hours.-Daily cleaning: 40-50 grs, in a bucket of 10 ltrs.Cleaning and disinfection operations can be carried out by flushing or with the help of a sprayer.
