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The freeze-drying technology is emerging as an alternative for food storage and other biological products, as it is a process based on the separation of water by It has been developed to reduce losses of the compounds responsible for flavor and aroma in foods, which are affected greatly during conventional drying

The advantages for using freeze-dried ingredients are: Long life, storage at room temperature in the transport economy, elimination of cold chain, ease of handling during production, rehydration with an excellent microbiology, among

Welcome to Liofilizacion On Line Colombia, we hope to provide the best consultancy services for the installation of laboratory, pilot plant, semi-industrial or industrial, to increase the value of farm products through this special method of stabilizing labile

We have grown thanks to the confidence provided by our customers, who fortunately have started their projects and to date they are producing, grateful to God and Liofilizacion On Line who trained them

Be courageous and let your business idea on our

Dr Jorge Rivera Biologo Universidad de los Andes
Consultor experto en Liofilización 725998 Intota Experts

Especialidad en Biotecnologia Agrícola
Especialidad en Conservacion de Alimentos
Farmacología Vegetal (Plantas Medicinales) Universidad Juan N Corpas
Presidente del Capitulo Colombiano de Liofilización de la ISL-FD International Society of Lyophilization - Freeze Drying

Terroni Equipments Brasil
Asesor y Representante comercial


Móvil .
Phone 940

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale
Tel: 3112128296




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Resumen Ejecutivo

LIOFILIZACION_ON_LINE CAPACITACION is a Colombian company . In addition, LIOFILIZACION_ON_LINE CAPACITACION is a wholesale vendor of 2 products listed on Comertia. These products include: Curso Basico de Liofilizacion, Liofilizadores de Produccion Industrial y Asesoria.

LIOFILIZACION_ON_LINE CAPACITACION was registered at Comertia on Monday, June 13, 2011 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Food.

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