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Description of activity

Armaria digital is the first company that offers a complete solution to the textile and fashion manufacturing industry, integrating all processes efficiently, specialized, technified, passing its customers competitive advantages, so that they can compete in the market in a way that
Armaria has design, production and marketing departments, which carry out patterning, scaling, tracing, advice on clothing, fabrics, design, brand development, and all stages of production, under a fully digitized system, supported with the most advanced technologies in the industry, to ensure the highest quality of the product with the best silhouette, design and construction standards, optimization of materials allowing great savings for the
Armaria tracks the entire process, to ensure the best results
Comprehensive solution for garment, design and fashion companies: Market study, trends, Brand developmentDesign of collectionsDesign technical tabs and materialsPatronization and scalingDevelopment And Plotter Physical samples ProductionDisquisition of fabrics at lower cost
Armaria consolidates the entire value chain in the production process for the textile clothing sector


Processes for fashion and tailoring: patterning, development, design, complete pack.
Brand advice, collection creation, production, textile marketing and

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale


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Resumen Ejecutivo

Armaria digital is a Colombian company . In addition, Armaria digital is a wholesale vendor of 2 products listed on Comertia. These products include: Patronaje y desarrollo, Telas.

Armaria digital was registered at Comertia on Thursday, September 11, 2008 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Textile.

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