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Description of activity

Gráficas Paola is a small printing press with 32 years in the Ecuadorian market, we provide our customers with quality jobs in offset and digital printing of advertising material, corporate, publishing, accounting forms, industrial material, with variable data and social prints; with the use and handling of advanced technology in each field of printing and we provide personalized advice to our customers from the type of material and its characteristics, the design of their work, the printing and finally the finishes of their orders.We also offer our customers the design and manufacture of boxes and packaging.

Organization Details

Service organization

Avenida 10 de Agosto N25-77 y Colón
Frente al Hotel Dan
Quito 170520

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Resumen Ejecutivo

Imprenta Gráficas Paola is a Ecuadorean company located in the city of Quito . In addition, Imprenta Gráficas Paola is a wholesale vendor of 10 products listed on Comertia. These products include: Etiquetas, Etiquetas Adhesivas - Stickers, Libros - Revistas, Formularios Contables, Digitalización de Archivos, Artículos Promocionales, Cuadernos - Libretas.

Imprenta Gráficas Paola was registered at Comertia on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 as a service organization organization under the industrial sector Media And Printing.

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