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Description of activity

We are a leading company in the textile sector of "full package" includes the services of design, cutting, tailoring, stamping, sublimation, embroidery and eyelet. we deliver the garments that our customers want, packaged and labeled, just as they need it to market with their respective customers.the garments that we make the most at COLDATEX are: polo shirt, jogger, busos, women's and men's T-shirts, dresses, pajamas and medical endowment.

Organization Details


calle 29 # 52-26 edificil el Tirol, int 302
barrio trinidad
050024 ANT

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Resumen Ejecutivo

COLDATEX is a Colombian company located in the city of Medellín in ANT. In addition, COLDATEX is a wholesale vendor of 10 products listed on Comertia. These products include: Conjunto jogger, Jogger femenino, Jogger masculino, Pantaloneta, Pijama, Bata odontológica o dotación medica.

COLDATEX was registered at Comertia on Monday, March 1, 2021 as a manufacturing organization under the industrial sector Textile.

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