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Description of activity

Manufacturer, Distributor, in addition to being applicators in our city (Zaragoza - Spain) of our Training and technical advice in the antigrafitti cleaning service.We have a wide network of applicators of our system and S.L.G. products throughout the national territory, being able to provide service to large business groups that operate in different Spanish provinces.We have 3 teams with autonomous machinery, without the need for electricity or water supply from the customer. Different machinery systems (wet, dry), and our specific range of antigraffiti products together with our experience and make us obtain cleanings of the highest quality.

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale

Camino Enmedio, 124. Nave 5
50013 Zaragoza

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Resumen Ejecutivo

ZARAMONT, S.L. is a Spanish company located in the city of San José in Zaragoza. In addition, ZARAMONT, S.L. is a wholesale vendor of 1 product listed on Comertia. This product is: PROTECTOR ANTI GRAFFITIS SLG 500 ECOLOGICO.

ZARAMONT, S.L. was registered at Comertia on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Appliances And Electronics.

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