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Description of activity

ecommunications (fiber optics).


Fiber optic cables (indoor and outdoor),
Passive optical components (Couplers, dividers, attenuators, filters, .), Manufacture of equipment for optical communications in broadband:
Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet media converters; transmission equipment for SDH networks; optical switches; remote link monitoring; fiber extend repeater; CWDM and DWDM multiplexers

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale


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Resumen Ejecutivo

TELNET Redes Inteligentes S.A is a Spanish company . In addition, TELNET Redes Inteligentes S.A is a wholesale vendor of 3 products listed on Comertia. These products include: Cables de fibra óptica (interior y exterior), Componentes Ópticos Pasivos, Equipos para comunicaciones ópticas en banda ancha.

TELNET Redes Inteligentes S.A was registered at Comertia on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Telecommunications.

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