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Tagua is a product 100% natural white exfoliator for use cosmetic formulations and cleansers.

An excellent replacement for microbeads.

The Tagua Natural White Exfoliant seed powder it´s a nut of a tree, eco-responsible natural alternative with the replacement of polyethylene polypropylene, polyurethane, microbeads. The small plastic beads end their career in nature and more in the oceans. Thousands of tons of microbeads are invisible inflict contamination.

We offer a Natural alternative to microplastics with the product Tagua natural exfoliant is absolutely hight quality pure and acceptation on world. Tagua natural white exfoliant is a sustainable alternative, tagua white scrub is safe for the environment, 100% Organic Eco- responsible, Tagua Microbeads are natural from plant origin, suitable for vegan, organic products.

Tagua nut powder It has been developed, as an exclusive raw material, for cosmetic use, as an ingredient that is being replaced to plastic microbeads Phytelephas is of the family Arecaceae, en English Tagua Nut, Deutch Tagua Nuss, in France Noix de Tagua, Poudre de graine de palmier a ivoire, Gommage Phytelephas Aequatorialis, Extrait de Noix de Tagua.

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale

Ibarra 100215

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Resumen Ejecutivo

Tagua Global is a Ecuadorean company located in the city of Ibarra . In addition, Tagua Global is a wholesale vendor of 2 products listed on Comertia. These products include: Tagua nut, Natural exfoliants.

Tagua Global was registered at Comertia on Thursday, February 25, 2021 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Other.

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