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Description of activity

ROTO BRASIL has operated in the plastic artifacts market since 2009, it was created with the purpose of producing solutions in rotomolding plastics with quality, excellent finishing and highly competitive prices.

Our company seeks in competence, to supply products according to the needs of its customers, providing satisfaction in the final result of its production. Having its own boiler room, ROTO BRASIL produces its own MOLDS, thus managing to serve customers by interpreting exactly the final objective of their production orders.

Organization Details


BR 280 Nº 8835 - Bairro Volta Redonda
Araquari 89245000 SC

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Resumen Ejecutivo

Roto Brasil Industria e Comercial de Artefatos Plasticos is a Brazilian company located in the city of Araquari in SC. In addition, Roto Brasil Industria e Comercial de Artefatos Plasticos is a wholesale vendor of 5 products listed on Comertia. These products include: Plastic Pallets, Cylindrical Tank, Tub Trolley, Plastic Boxes, Plastic Storage Container.

Roto Brasil Industria e Comercial de Artefatos Plasticos was registered at Comertia on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 as a manufacturing organization under the industrial sector Rubber And Plastics.

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