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Description of activity

Sale of laboratory and medium-scale equipment for mining and design of specialized machinery and development of state-of-the-art technology in manufacturing equipment
Edemet Limitada, is a long-standing company that is mainly engaged in designing, building and marketing equipment for the metalu industry and laboratories
Our mission as a company is to deliver solutions to our This is achieved by developing our own line of products, specifically designed to meet the requirements from the demanding environment of a laboratory, to plants


Laboratory flotation cell
Flotation cell for pilot plant
Jaw chancator
Portable vibratory harnero
Ring sprayer
Ball mill
Bond Mill
Roller for mills
Laboratory pressure filter
Banks of reagent dosing pumps

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale


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Resumen Ejecutivo

Edemet Limitada is a Chilean company . In addition, Edemet Limitada is a wholesale vendor of 1 product listed on Comertia. This product is: Celda de flotacion de laboratorio automatizada.

Edemet Limitada was registered at Comertia on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Machinery And Equipment.

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