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Description of activity

Balanzas Cobos has a wide range of high products From analytical balances, precision balances industrial scales to moisture analyzers, laboratory equipment and weights, being used in a wide variety of Cobos is the first Spanish brand of precision weighing from maximum quality, maximum technology and innovation to very good Our company is ISO 9001 certified by the agency T.V Management Service


Precision balances, analytical balances, industrial scales, control weights, moisture analyzers, counting balances, compact balances, portable balances, trade balances, basic balances, pocket balances, semi-micro balances, ultrasonic baths, equipment

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale




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Resumen Ejecutivo

COBOS PRECISION, S.L. is a Spanish company . In addition, COBOS PRECISION, S.L. is a wholesale vendor of 6 products listed on Comertia. These products include: Balanza de precisión modelo MI-220CBC, Bascula industrial modelo DB-1H-150, bascula industrial modelo DB-1H-60, balanza analítica modelo JT/AR-120, Analizador de humedad modelo FD-720, balanza industrial de precisión modelo DG-62CBKI.

COBOS PRECISION, S.L. was registered at Comertia on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Electrical Installations.

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