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Description of activity

We present ourselves to its careful consideration CAVAS DE MARGARITAS is a Mexican company, dedicated to manufacturing tankers and industrial equipment and has sufficient experience to design and install complete systems according to your needs, we work for all kinds of industries, our specialty being the food and alcoholic beverage sector, having extensive experience in production processes of this We also manage turnkey projects.

If you already have a production plant, your current facilities may be able to improve and thus achieve a more economical and efficient performance of

Areas of the activity of CAVAS DE MARGARITAS are the design, manufacture, installation and advisory, among others, of:
· Stills
· Fillers
· Autoclaves, both laboratory and industrial
· Pailas, marmites and reactors
· Thermo tanks, with coil, dimplet jacket, insulated,
· Storage tanks up to one million
· Cooling tanks
· Tanks with agitated
· Pipes or tank tanks
· Stainless steel jobs with sanitary finishes or
· Laboratories
We will be very honored to have the opportunity to talk with you more broadly about our products and to be able to serve you very

Marketing Manager

Road to San Antonio de los Horcones Km 1,
Margaritas, Jesus Maria,


Stainless steel tanks, with dimpled jacked, thermos, agitation, serpentin, storage, stills,

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale


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Resumen Ejecutivo

Cavas de Margaritas SdeRLMI is a Mexican company . In addition, Cavas de Margaritas SdeRLMI is a wholesale vendor of 5 products listed on Comertia. These products include: ALAMBIQUE DE OLLA, ALAMBIQUE DE OLLA 1000 LITROS, Tanque acero inoxidable 1500 litros sanitario, TANBQUE 60,000 LITROS ACERO INOXIDABLE, TANQUE TERMO CON AGITACION.

Cavas de Margaritas SdeRLMI was registered at Comertia on Friday, May 14, 2004 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Other.

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