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Description of activity

villarreal bombs, northern villarreal bombs, borema, villarreal division and equipment, grundfos pumps, grundfos, barnes pumps, barnes, barmese, cuma pumps, hydropneumatics, hydropneumatic equipment, hoses, swimming pools, irrigation systems, irrigation, submersible cable, submersible cables, pumps, submersible motors, submersible pumps, drilling, hydrowashers, byrssa, villarreal perforations, pool filters, huts, palapas, northern villarreal pumps,


villarreal bombs, northern villarreal bombs, borema, villarreal division and equipment, grundfos pumps, grundfos, barnes pumps, barnes, barmese, cuma pumps, hydropnumatics, hydropneumatic equipment, hoses, swimming pools, irrigation systems, irrigation, submersible cable, submersible cables, pumps, submersible motors, submersible pumps, drilling, hydrowashers, byrssa, villarreal perforations, pool filters, huts, palapas, northern villarreal pumps,

Organization Details

Distribution or wholesale


Gallery of Bombas Villarreal del Norte, S.A. de C.V.


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Resumen Ejecutivo

Bombas Villarreal del Norte, S.A. de C.V. is a Mexican company . In addition, Bombas Villarreal del Norte, S.A. de C.V. is a wholesale vendor of 1 product listed on Comertia. This product is: Cabañas, palapas y albercas (Fabricación).

Bombas Villarreal del Norte, S.A. de C.V. was registered at Comertia on Monday, February 26, 2007 as a distribution or wholesale organization under the industrial sector Construction.

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