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Description of activity
AutoMagic Brand Automotive Conditioning and Estetica Product Marketing and Distribution
Also Manufacture and Marketing of Shampoo for Dry Washing (klin Protector), Shampoo for Carroceria, Motor Degreaser, Tire and Mould Brightener, Motor Brightener, Motor Cosmetic, Chassis Cosmetics, Dress Cleaner, Dry Dress Cleaner, Dress Shampoo and Hand Shampoo
Polish Marketing and Distribution, Waxes, Brighteners, Degreaser, AutoMagic branded dressing, Shampoo, Tassels, Brushes, Chamois and Accessories related to automotive care, as well as Manufacture and Marketing of Dry Wash Shampoo (klin Protector), Carroceria Shampoo, Motor Degreaser, Tire and Mould Polisher, Motor Brightener, Motor Cosmetic, Chassis Cosmetic, Clothing Cleaner, Dry Clothing Cleaner, Dry Clothing Cleaner , Dress Shampoo and Hand Shampoo