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Description of activity

Plomos Andalucía, S.L.,Ploansal, is a consolidated company in the sector, founded in 1994 by employees of the Cookson Figueroa, S.A. group of the Andalusian delegation when this group decided to close manufacturing in Spain.Our activity consists in the manufacture and marketing of, among others, products whose raw materials consist of non-ferrous metals and their alloys, for which we have a proven experience of more than twenty years linked to this work.Thus, our products for the world of welding go through a thorough control at all stages of manufacture. From the use of metals and materials of first quality to the analysis and optimization of the quality of each elaborated.The resin wires, for electronics, comply with DIN 1707 and BS standards 219.La Sn-Pb rod welding complies with international standards UNE 37-403-86, DIN 1707 of 1981 and BS 219-1977.

Organization Details


41500 Sevilla



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Resumen Ejecutivo

PLOMOS ANDALUCIA SL is a Spanish company located in the city of Alcalá de Guadaira in Sevilla. In addition, PLOMOS ANDALUCIA SL is a wholesale vendor of 9 products listed on Comertia. These products include: DECAPANTES PARA SOLDAR , SOLDADURA ELECTRONICA Y SOLDADURA BLANDA , PLATA, ALEACIONES PARA EL MOLDEO PELTRE , VIDRIOS DE COLOR , LÁMINAS DE ALPACA, LATÓN Y COBRE .

PLOMOS ANDALUCIA SL was registered at Comertia on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 as a manufacturing organization under the industrial sector Non-ferrous Metallurgy.

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