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Product description

General features
Body Color:
Door colors: Red, grey, blue and
Pivoting door: Opening without
Widths: 300 and 400
Lock with:
700 combinations in 20
Bombín: Removable and replaceable
Legs: Adjustable from 130 to 180
Rating: M1 according to UNE standard
Sloping ceilings
Key bracelets
Coin locks
Custom marking,
Different measures, combinations or distributions can be studied
Depending on how much the doors can be customized with i/o anagrams
Special measures:
On request you can modify the height and therefore the measurements of the door,
virtually any
You can vary the depth, there are 3 possibilities: 292 mm, 392 mm, 739
Widths are only modifiable by +247 or +347 mm
